

Ret's Word of the Day doomscrolling /ˈduːmˌskrəʊlɪŋ/ (Pronounced: doom-scroll-ing ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition Meaning : Doomscrolling refers to the habit of continuously scrolling through negative or distressing news and content online, often for extended periods. This behaviour can lead to feelings of anxiety, helplessness, or despair, as the individual becomes consumed by a cycle of consuming bleak information. Signification : Faire défiler sans fin des contenus négatifs; S'engluer dans un flux d'actualités anxiogènes Note: The term gained popularity during the ...

Even so vs. even though

Ret's Word of the Day even though /ˈiːvən ðoʊ/ (Pronounced: ee-vuhn thoh ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish even so /ˈiːvən soʊ/ (Pronounced: ee-vuhn soh ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition Even So : This phrase is used to indicate that sth remains true despite the circumstances or information previously mentioned. It introduces a contrasting idea. ...

The sharpest tool in the shed

Ret's Word of the Day the sharpest tool in the shed /ðə ˈʃɑːrpɪst tuːl ɪn ðə ʃɛd/ (Pronounced: thuh shar-pist tool in thuh shed ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition Meaning : the sharpest tool in the shed is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone who is not very intelligent or quick-witted. It is often used humorously or sarcastically. It is usually used in the negative. Signification : Pas le couteau le plus affûté du tiroir; Pas la lumière la plus brillante Note: This phrase is commonly used in informal contexts to playfully tease someone about their lack of intelligence or awareness. Word Analysis French synonyms » Pas le couteau le plus aff...

How's it going?

Ret's Word of the Day How's it going? /haʊz ɪt ˈɡoʊɪŋ/ (Pronounced: howz it go-ing ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition Meaning : How's it going? is an informal way to ask someone how they are or how things are progressing. Signification : Comment ça va ?; Comment ça se passe ? Note: This phrase is commonly used in casual conversations to check in on someone's well-being or the status of a situation. Word Analysis French synonyms » Comment ça va ? » Comment ça se passe ? » Tout va bien ? » Quoi de neuf ? » Ça roule ? Exemple: "Comment ça va ? Tu as passé une bonne journée ?" English synonyms ...

in a nutshell

Ret's Word of the Day In a nutshell /ɪn ə ˈnʌtʃɛl/ (Pronounced: in uh nut-shell ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition Meaning : In a nutshell means briefly or concisely; in summary. Signification : En résumé; brièvement. Note: This phrase is often used to introduce a short summary or explanation of something complex. Word Analysis French synonyms » En résumé » Brièvement » En quelques mots » Pour faire court » Succinctement Exemple: "En un mot, le problème est résolu." English synonyms » In summary » Briefly » To put it simply » In short » Concisely Example: "In a...