Ret's Word of the Day



(Pronounced: AHR-s-hole)
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Meaning: A rude or offensive term used to describe a person who is unpleasant or behaves in a highly inconsiderate way.

Signification: Terme vulgaire pour décrire une personne grossière, impolie ou irritante.

Note: The word "arsehole" is highly offensive and considered vulgar. It is used to express strong disapproval of someone’s behaviour or attitude. Arsehole and asshole are both used to mean a trou de balle, in the language of Gainsbourg and Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. The terms differ primarily in regional usage. Arsehole is the British English spelling, hence Commonwealth countries, hence Lesotho. Asshole is the North-American English spelling. The pronunciation also differs somewhat.

Word Analysis

In French: Connard ♦ Enfoiré ♦ Peigne-cul
Synonyms: Jerk ♦ Scumbag ♦ Bastard
Antonyms: Gentleman ♦ Decent person ♦ Hero

Example Dialogue

Tšepiso: "Did you hear what Mike did at the meeting? He really pissed everyone off."
Litaba: "Oh, yeah. What an arsehole."
Tšepiso: "I know, right? I can’t believe he did that."
Litaba: "He needs to learn some manners."


Origin: The term "arsehole" comes from the combination of "arse" (a vulgar term for the buttocks) and "hole", indicating a person who is perceived as a 'hole' in society due to their offensive or obnoxious nature. The term dates back to the 16th century and has retained its offensive meaning over time.


The term arsehole is used primarily in informal or derogatory contexts. It is a highly offensive term and should be used with caution, as it can provoke strong reactions. It is often used to express frustration or anger at someone's behaviour.

When to use: This word should only be used in very casual or private conversations where the tone can afford to be harsh or offensive. It is never appropriate in professional or polite contexts.

Dictionary Meaning

Here's an official definition of arsehole by The Cambridge Dictionary

News snippet

"I had one good moment during the retrenchment process: a friend of mine told me the following: “Tim, I’m now going to pay you a big compliment: you are much more of an arsehole than you think you are.” If there is anything that generates dark humour, it’s giving people the heave-ho."

Read the full article at The Daily Maverick


I was eating dinner in a tall room. I was the third guest.
I felt a tightening in my asshole, and the yellow wine turned
to red, turned to your hand on another's woven onto tapestry.
How the month of June became our sons, so many bridges for one
river, was the story always delighted you.

Read the full poem 'The Children' [by Donald Revell] on this page 

Common Idioms and Expressions

Arsehole: A rude, unpleasant, or contemptible person.

Get off your arse: To stop being lazy and take action.

Pain in the arse: Something or someone that is very annoying or bothersome.

Kick up the arse: A sharp reprimand or a push to motivate someone.

Arse over tit: To fall or tumble awkwardly, usually head over heels.

Up your arse: A vulgar way of telling someone to mind their own business or to be more direct.

Talk out of your arse: To speak nonsense or say things that don’t make sense.

Arse-licker: A person who tries to gain favor by excessively flattering someone.

Arsehole of the world: A term used to describe a very unpleasant or undesirable place.

Big arse: A colloquial way to refer to someone who is lazy or doesn't take things seriously.

Blow smoke up someone's arse: To flatter or deceive someone, often with insincere praise.

Eat someone's arse: To do something for someone in an overly submissive or deferential way.

Shove it up your arse: A rude way to tell someone to go away or reject their opinion.


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