
Showing posts from January, 2025


Ret's Word of the Day Shebang /ʃəˈbæŋ/ (Pronounced: shuh-BANG ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition The meaning : The term shebang refers to the whole thing or the entirety of something, often used in informal contexts. La signification : Le mot shebang fait référence à l'ensemble ou à la totalité de quelque chose, souvent utilisé dans un contexte informel. Note: In computer programming, a shebang (e.g., '#!/bin/bash') refers to a character sequence indicating the interpreter for a script. Word Analysis In French ...

down the rabbit hole

Ret's Word of the Day Down the Rabbit Hole /ˌdaʊn ðə ˈræbɪt houl/ (Pronounced: dowen thə rab-bit howl ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition Meaning : The phrase down the rabbit hole refers to entering a bizarre, confusing, or unexpected situation or experience, often one from which it is difficult to escape. La signification : L'expression down the rabbit hole signifie entrer dans une situation ou une expérience bizarre, confuse ou inattendue, souvent difficile à quitter. Note: The idiom originates from Lewis Carroll's novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," where Alice follows a rabbit down a hole and enters a fantastical and unpredictable world. Word Analysis In French Tomber dans l'inconnu S'engager dans une aventure incertaine Entrer dans l'absu...

break a leg

Ret's Word of the Day Break a Leg /breɪk ə lɛɡ/ (Pronounced: brayk uh leg ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition The meaning : The phrase break a leg is a way to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or an important event. La signification : L'expression break a leg est une façon de souhaiter bonne chance à quelqu'un, en particulier avant une performance ou un événement important. Note: This idiom is widely used in the performing arts and originates from the superstition that directly wishing someone good luck might bring bad fortune, so an indirect expression is used instead. Word Analysis ...

Who remembers?

I'm going to post this video every day so we never forget [image or embed] — Morgan J Freeman ( ) 31 December 2024 at 22:31


Ret's Word of the Day Nomophobia /ˌnɒməˈfəʊbɪə/ (Pronounced: noh-muh-FOH-bee-uh ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition Meaning : The fear or anxiety of being without a mobile phone or beyond mobile phone contact, often due to a dependency on digital connectivity. Signification : La peur ou l'anxiété d'être sans téléphone portable ou hors de portée de connexion mobile, souvent liée à une dépendance à la connectivité numérique. Note : The term " nomophobia " combines "no mobile" and "phobia," highlighting the distress caused by being disconnected. It is often associated with habits like compulsive phone checking or dependency on technology. ...

moth to a flame

Ret's Word of the Day Moth to a Flame /mɒθ tə ə fleɪm/ (Pronounced: moth tuh uh flame ) 🔊 Hear it on YouGlish Definition The meaning : The phrase moth to a flame describes an irresistible attraction to something or someone, often leading to harmful or undesirable consequences. La signification : L'expression moth to a flame décrit une attirance irrésistible vers quelque chose ou quelqu'un, souvent avec des conséquences négatives ou indésirables. Note: This idiom is commonly used to illustrate situations where people are drawn to things that may not be in their best interest, similar to how moths are drawn to light despite the danger. Word Analysis In French Comme un papillon attir...