in a nutshell

Ret's Word of the Day

In a nutshell

/ɪn ə ˈnʌtʃɛl/

(Pronounced: in uh nut-shell)
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Meaning: In a nutshell means briefly or concisely; in summary.

Signification: En résumé; brièvement.

Note: This phrase is often used to introduce a short summary or explanation of something complex.

Word Analysis

French synonyms
» En résumé
» Brièvement
» En quelques mots
» Pour faire court
» Succinctement

Exemple: "En un mot, le problème est résolu."

English synonyms
» In summary
» Briefly
» To put it simply
» In short
» Concisely

Example: "In a nutshell… the project was a success."

Example Dialogue

Thato: "Could you explain the project in a nutshell?"
Seipati: "Sure.  Basically, we're developing a new app to help people learn Sesotho."
Thato: "So, it's a language learning app?"
Seipati: "Exactly! In a nutshell, that's it."


Origin: The phrase "in a nutshell" refers to the idea of something being contained within a very small space, like a nut. It suggests brevity and conciseness. The phrase has been used figuratively since at least the 16th century. Some etymological sources trace it back to Pliny the Elder, who wrote about the 'Iliad' being written on a piece of parchment that could fit inside a nutshell (though this is likely apocryphal).


The phrase "in a nutshell" is commonly used in everyday conversation and writing to indicate a summary or concise explanation.

When to use: Use "in a nutshell" when you want to give a brief overview of something complex, or when you want to summarize a longer explanation. For example: "In a nutshell, the meeting was about the new budget."

Dictionary Meaning

The Cambridge Dictionary says that in a nutshell means 'very briefly, giving only the main points.'

Example given? "A: What went wrong?"
"B: In a nutshell, everything."

News Snippet

"The Local Government Act, in a nutshell, empowers the councils to undertake various responsibilities which include overseeing issues concerning public health, safe water supply, protection of the environment and infrastructure-development."

Read the full article at Lesotho Times

Extra! Extra!

For a fun and engaging exploration of our word of the day, in a nutshell, watch the following…

Video Lesson One

Video Lesson Two


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Common Idioms and Expressions

In a nutshell: A concise summary or explanation of something.

Example: "In a nutshell, we need to increase our sales to improve profits."

Put sth in a nutshell: Express sth briefly and clearly.

Example: "Can you put your argument in a nutshell?"

Nutshell summary: A brief overview or summary of a larger topic.

Example: "Here’s a nutshell summary of the report."

In a nutshell, it boils down to: Ultimately, the main point or essence of a discussion.

Example: "In a nutshell, it boils down to trust and communication."

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