Up shit's creek without a paddle

Ret's Word of the Day
A distressed person stranded in a small canoe on a muddy, swamp-like creek, looking helpless and frustrated without a paddle. The murky water and dense trees emphasise the feeling of being stuck.

/ʌp ʃɪts krik wɪˈðaʊt ə ˈpædəl/

[ uhp shits creek with-out uh pad-l ]
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The meaning: Up shit's creek without a paddle is an idiomatic expression that means being in a difficult or hopeless situation without any means of resolving it.

La signification: Être dans une situation difficile ou désespérée sans aucun moyen de la résoudre.

Note: This phrase often implies a sense of being trapped or facing unavoidable problems. A creek is a small, narrow stream or river, often shallow and winding. A paddle is a tool used to propel or steer a small boat, typically consisting of a long shaft with a flat blade at one or both ends.

Word Analysis

French synonyms
» Dans de beaux draps
» Dans le pétrin
» Dans une impasse
»Dans une situation désespérée
» Coincé
» Dans la merde (noir)

[Quand la date limite a avancé, on s'est trouvés dans de beaux draps.]
English synonyms
» In a tight spot
» In hot water
» In deep trouble
» In a bind
» Up against it
» In deep shit

[When the project deadline was moved up, we found ourselves up shit's creek without a paddle.]

Example Dialogue

Lerato: "Our client just moved the deadline to tomorrow!"
Reitumetse: "We're up shit’s creek without a paddle."
Lerato: "Exactly! There's no way we can finish in time."
Reitumetse: "We’ll have to pull an all-nighter and hope for the best."


Origin: The phrase "up shit’s creek without a paddle" is a vulgar idiom used to describe being in a difficult or hopeless situation with no apparent solution. It likely originated in early 20th-century American slang, drawing on the imagery of being stranded on a river of filth with no way to escape. The phrase emphasises being stuck in an undesirable situation without resources or options.


The phrase "up shit’s creek without a paddle" is highly informal and often considered vulgar. It is commonly used in casual speech among friends, colleagues, or in humorous contexts.

When to use: Use this phrase when describing a difficult situation with no easy way out. For example: "If we don’t get that extension, we’re up shit’s creek without a paddle." Avoid using this expression in formal situations.

Dictionary Meaning

Wiktionary defines it this way: 'In trouble; in a difficult situation.'

This alternative is provided: "Up shit creek in a barbed wire canoe without a paddle!"

News Snippet

"'We're up 'Schitt's Creek' if Trump wins—and not as good as the TV show at all,' said Dr. Jeffrey Koplan"

Read the full article at The NY Times

Extra! Extra!

For a fun and engaging exploration of our word of the day,watch the following…

Video Lesson One

Video Lesson Two

Common Idioms and Expressions

Up the creek without a paddle: A slightly more polite version of the expression, meaning in a difficult situation with no clear solution.

Example: "If we don't fix this issue soon, we'll be up the creek without a paddle."

Up a creek: A shortened version of the expression, often used informally to describe being in trouble.

Example: "Without the right tools, we're completely up a creek."

Up the river: A variation that implies being in a difficult or dire situation, often with a sense of being stranded.

Example: "If the deal falls through, we'll be up the river without a plan."

In deep water: A metaphor for being in a serious or troublesome situation.

Example: "After missing the deadline, he found himself in deep water with his boss."

Between a rock and a hard place: Another idiom meaning being in a difficult situation with no good options.

Example: "She was between a rock and a hard place, having to choose between two equally bad options."

In a bind: A phrase meaning being in a difficult or tight situation.

Example: "Without the necessary funds, we're really in a bind."

In hot water: An expression meaning being in trouble or facing consequences.

Example: "After the mistake was discovered, he was in hot water with the entire team."

In deep shit: Means in trouble, in the shit, in deep doo-doo.

Example: If they catch us stealing this, we'll be in deep shit!."


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