The meaning: Clusterfuck is a vulgar slang term used to describe a situation that has gone horribly wrong or is characterized by chaos and confusion.
La signification: Le terme clusterfuck est un terme d'argot vulgaire utilisé pour décrire une situation qui a mal tourné ou qui est caractérisée par le chaos et la confusion.
Note: This term is often used informally and can be considered offensive in certain contexts.
Word Analysis
French synonyms » Situation chaotique » Bordel » Désastre A: Comment s'est passée la réunion ? B: Hmm... c'était un véritable clusterfuck. English synonyms » A chaotic situation » A car crash » A disaster » A dumpster fire A: How did the meeting go? B: Hmm... it was a real clusterfuck.
Example Dialogue
Letlhogonolo: "So, what do you think of the project outcome?" Pula: "Hmm... it's a bit of a clusterfuck." Letlhogonolo: "Oh? What went wrong?" Pula: "I expected better coordination and clearer communication."
Origin: The term "clusterfuck" is a vulgar slang expression used to describe a chaotic or disastrous situation. Its origins can be traced back to military slang, where it was used to describe situations that went awry due to poor planning or execution. Over time, it has evolved into common vernacular, often employed in informal contexts to emphasize the severity of confusion or disorder.
The term "clusterfuck" is often used in informal conversations, particularly among friends, colleagues, and in casual settings. It can be considered relevant in discussions about projects that have gone awry or situations that are overly complicated.
When to use: Use this term when describing a situation that is chaotic or poorly managed. For example:
"The event planning was a total clusterfuck."
It is best suited for informal contexts and should be used with caution in professional settings due to its vulgar nature.
Dictionary Meaning
Cambridge says it's "a very rude word for a complete failure or very serious problem in which many mistakes or problems happen at the same time."
It gives this example: "This is an organizational clusterfuck."
News Snippet
"And Russia? Any chance they will leave the area permanently after this clusterfuck? Nope. There is much to be gained by backing the right horse in the region, but it may not be Iran this time.
Read the full article at The Daily Maverick
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Common Terms & Expressions
Clusterfuck: A chaotic or disastrously mismanaged situation.
"The project turned into a complete clusterfuck after the team missed every deadline."
Dumpster fire: A situation that is out of control and a total disaster.
"That meeting was a dumpster fire—no one knew what was going on."
Car crash: Something so disastrous or awkward it’s hard to look away from.
"His speech was a total car crash; he forgot his lines and tripped on stage."
Train wreck: A complete failure or disaster that’s often mesmerizing in its awfulness.
"The event was a train wreck—everything that could go wrong did."
Shitshow: A messy, disorganized, or wildly chaotic situation.
"The party turned into a shitshow when the cops showed up."
Hot mess: A person or situation that is dysfunctional or chaotic, often with a hint of sympathy.
"She’s a hot mess right now, but she’ll figure it out eventually."
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