
Ret's Word of the Day
A diverse group of men from various cultural backgrounds sits in a circle, engaged in a thoughtful discussion


[ man-uh-sfeer ]
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The meaning: Manosphere refers to a collection of websites, blogs, and online communities that focus on issues related to men and masculinity, often including discussions on gender roles, relationships, and men's rights.

La signification: Ce terme désigne un ensemble de sites web, de blogs et de communautés en ligne qui se concentrent sur des questions liées aux hommes et à la masculinité, incluant souvent des discussions sur les rôles de genre, les relations et les droits des hommes.

Note: The manosphere can include a wide range of perspectives, from men's rights activism to more controversial or misogynistic viewpoints.

Word Analysis

French synonyms
» Sphère masculine
» Communautés masculinistes
» Espaces dédiés aux hommes

A: As-tu entendu parler de la manosphère ?
B: Oui, c'est un sujet très discuté en ce moment.
English synonyms
» Men's sphere
» Masculinist communities
» Male-focused spaces

A: Have you read anything about the manosphere?
B: Yes, it's a controversial topic with many different viewpoints.

Example Dialogue

Tumelo: "Have you been following the discussions in the manosphere lately?"
Kelebogile: "Yes, it's interesting how they focus on men's issues, but some viewpoints are quite controversial."
Tumelo: "Do you think it's a space for constructive dialogue or just criticism of feminism?"
Kelebogile: "It depends on the community. Some groups aim for constructive discussions, while others lean toward more extreme views."


Origin: The term "manosphere" is a blend of "man" and "sphere," referring to a collective space or community focused on men's issues. It emerged in the early 2000s with the rise of online forums and blogs discussing masculinity, gender roles, and men's rights. The term has since evolved to encompass a wide range of perspectives, from men's advocacy to more divisive ideologies.


The term "manosphere" is commonly used in discussions about gender, masculinity, and online communities. It is particularly relevant in academic, social, and digital media contexts where topics like men's rights, gender equality, and online subcultures are analyzed.

When to use: Use this term when discussing online communities or movements focused on men's issues, masculinity, or gender roles. For example: "The manosphere includes a variety of groups, from men's rights activists to more controversial voices." It is suitable for conversations about gender studies, social dynamics, or internet culture.

Dictionary Meaning

Cambridge says the word means: "websites and internet discussion groups that are concerned with men's interests and rights as opposed to women's, often connected with opposition to feminism or dislike of women." Here's an example of use:

"Inherent gender differences are a popular topic in the manosphere."

News Snippet

"For a generation of anxious men who have grown up with right‐wing manosphere influencers like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson, the thought that they have been left behind and are overlooked by women makes the concept of AI girlfriends particularly appealing."

Read the full article at The Daily Maverick

Extra! Extra!

For a fun and engaging exploration of our word of the day, watch the following…

Video Lesson One

Video Lesson Two


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Common Terms & Expressions

Manosphere: A network of blogs, forums, and websites where topics related to men's interests, issues, and experiences are discussed, often with a critical view of feminism and modern gender dynamics.

Example: "The manosphere has gained traction as more men seek communities that address their concerns."

Toxic Masculinity: Cultural norms that define masculinity in a way that promotes dominance, aggression, and emotional suppression, often leading to harmful behaviors and attitudes.

Example: "Critics argue that toxic masculinity contributes to various societal issues, including violence."

Mansplaining: A term used to describe a situation where a man explains something to a woman in a condescending or patronizing manner, often assuming she knows less about the topic.

Example: "She felt frustrated when he began mansplaining the topic she was already familiar with."

Bro Culture: A social environment that promotes male bonding and often includes attitudes or behaviors that can be dismissive or disrespectful towards women.

Example: "The workplace's bro culture made it difficult for women to feel included."

Alpha Male: A term referring to a dominant, confident, and assertive man, often characterized by leadership qualities and social status.

Example: "He always strives to be the alpha male in any group setting."

Chad: A slang term often used to describe a stereotypically attractive, confident, and successful young man, particularly in the context of dating.

Example: "He was often compared to a Chad for his looks and charm."

Nice Guy Syndrome: A phenomenon where a man believes he is entitled to romantic interest from women due to his kindness and good behavior, often leading to frustration when this is not reciprocated.

Example: "His nice guy syndrome made it hard for him to understand why women weren't interested."

Red Pill: A metaphor originating from the movie "The Matrix," used in some men's communities to describe awakening to the perceived realities of gender dynamics, often with a critical view of feminism.

Example: "He claimed to have taken the red pill and now sees relationships differently."

White Knight: A term used to describe a man who defends or protects women, often perceived as seeking approval or validation, sometimes to the detriment of his own interests.

Example: "His white knight behavior often backfired, leading to misunderstandings."


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